Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Just go away, we're too boring to bother.

To whom ever is trying to take over my world. Piss off, its a boring world and you don't want it. I haven't downloaded any illegal music so that nice little email can just take a running jump too. I don't download anything. Hello? New computer here..I'm so worried I might "screw it up" somehow that I barely go on my favourite sites. And those aren't many. And thanks Google for the demand to change my password. How about a comment box soI can ask what theheck is up? or even an acutal reason as opposed to "We've disabled your account." Gosh thanks.

And this random dizziness can go suck an egg too.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

I'm thinking about going back to buying boxes of pretty stationary and a fountain pen and waiting 4 weeks for my recipients to get my messages! My hotmail got hacked yesterday, and this morning facebook refused to let me reply to any of my messages! If it wasn't for the self-absorbed allure of blogging, I'd have thrown my laptop through the window by now!