Thursday, January 14, 2010

I finished the stole I was working on and have started another. So far, it amuses me.

The girls and I went sliding today. Or rather they did. The hills in the school yard behind our house are now so slick no sled is required to shoot down them a mom-worrying speed. So after the Kindies get out there is a party on the hills.

Naturally there are tears. Both of them from my kids. The littlest princess claimed she bonked her head while sliding. I admit I missed the actual bonking. The kids tend to slide in bunches, so a boot to the head is not unusual.

Drama Queen managed to fall walking up the stairs. Nothing serious, she just gave her knee a good thump. I asked if she wanted to go home and got a snifly, teary, "nooo." Again, she's fine. But my kids are not having much luck on the hills this year.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

A few boots to the head build character!
That said, our annual sled hill out front never happened this year, so my kids have to be content to just climb the big drifts in the back yard. Usually, they sink into them and I have to dig them out.