Monday, January 4, 2010

I'm embroidering. And its looking pretty good. But it's slow going. Then again I'd likely go faster if I didn't pretend to not see it day after day. Often it calls to me but as a mom, I'm good at tuning out repetitive voices.

It all started with a banner. One I made last Christmas for the church I attend. The minster asked for it, I made it, all was well. I was not entirely happy with the banner but everyone else seemed to be so I let it go.

Last spring I got a call from a woman about to be ordained. She asked me to make her 2 stoles in the space of one month. One for her and a friend. Someone had given her my name based on the banner. I told her I'd do it. That fell through, turned out she was given 4 stoles so didn't need anymore. No biggie.

Minister who knows I'm trying to find work to do from home so I can SAHM told me to make the stoles anyway and he'd help get my name out as someone who does this sort of work. I can embroider, and quite well too. So started in, gave up, started again, gave up again....this went on for a while but I am now the the point where I can see the finish. I hope to be done by Friday? Maybe? Its possible now anyway.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Embroidery. Ugh. You must have infinite patience! Give me a half-assed sewing job that I can impress the needlework-challenged with any day of the week!