Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My sewing machine.

I was just reading The Pioneer Woman..who we all know rocks amazingly and I would love to do half the stuff she pulls off. She posted about her Ga-Ga. (Her grandmother)

Ok, its been more than a year. But I'm still sitting here a big weepy mess. As I said when I got that letter, the extra cash is nice but I'd rather have Granny. Granny telling me I've ruined my hair, Granny telling my stick thin cousin its a good thing she's getting married because she's getting hippy. Granny showing me how to crochet once again and doing half a scarf while "going slowly so I can see".

I make stuff. Alot of stuff, costumes, baby blankets, banners for churchs, stoles for minsters, more costumes, clothes for my kids, aprons, stuff for the local kiddie art school. And I do it all on her sewing machine. She bought it the year she moved to Canada, with my mum, uncle and aunt in tow. My other uncle was born here in Canada.

I got the machine about 10 or so years ago. She couldn't lift it out of its desk anymore. Believe me, its a heavy sucker too. I think it would sew through concrete if I needed it to.

I love my sewing mchine, but I'd rather have Granny.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

My grandmother taught me to knit. All my Christmas recipes are her recipes. My every crappy New Year's Eve gets held up to be compared to the ones she always threw--and they never compare. It's not the same without her.
And hang onto that old sewing machine. I have a vintage Janome and I will never give it up. They don't make them like they used to!