Monday, March 24, 2008

The Virgin Posts!

Sorry, that should be The virgin post, no s. I guess as this is my blog I can do what I want so I'm diving in and if that doesn't suit you...well I'll live with myself somehow.:)

Had a very long weekend, but a good one. Actually Saturday was fairly lazy but Sunday made up for it. It was good to see Granny again. And funnily enough she did not make any comments about seeing her great granddaughters for the last time. This could be worrisome. She always says that crap. Hopefully she sticks around to bug us about our weight and hair for many years to come. That is not the royal "we" or "us" by the way, she just picks on every female in the family.

The girls got far too much chocolate and I'm eating it. So much for Weight Watchers! Oh hell I'll be good next week. maybe. possibly. There's always hope.

Darling sister yelled at me (in a jokey way) when I said something about the high heels she *used* to wear. She is determined to get into them again. Her foot has healed (heeled? lol) in spite of it being broken for 3 months before she got a cast. However she is still under doc's orders of no high heels. And she likes the killer-I'd-break-something-important-trying-to-walk-in-those shoes.

I have 2 chocolates that I took away from Shaughnessy sitting on the computer desk. They are NOT calling to me. honest. for true. oh damn. no chocolate no chocolatenochocolatenochocolatenochocolatenochocolatenochocolate.

Must now think of something for said sister's birthday. Her 30th. She says she's not doing anything because all her friends are "getting married, having stag/ettes, going away, starting school" and her birthday "inconviences" them. So she's re-scheduling it for November.

EXCUSE ME? November is mine and it may be a crappy month but its still MINE MINE MINE! Ahem.

I'll visit her at least. In April. November is...not an option. (MINE!)

no chocolate no chocolate no chocolate...

Bellydance class tomorrow....cannot believe I have to be in a recital again. At my age!! Aren't recitals for cute little girls in tutus and skating dresses? Plus the darn thing is getting close and I know B thinks I can't do the routine. I can! But not when teacher is sitting there watching me dance all by my lonesome because the rest of my group didn't show for the practice. Gimme a break.

IS there any more? Tuesday tomorrow...bit early in the week to be calling MIL to come rescue me and the girls from the 4 walls of doom. Plus she's babysitting on Sunday so himself and I can go to a concert. Date night! Or afternoon! Either way Woot!

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