Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Standing in my closet I...

throw back my head and rail at the skies that I have NOTHING TO WEAR! Or something like that anyway. I can't actually see the sky from my closet. Why are all my clothes so old? Why are they all so teacherish looking. Oh right. The teaching thing 8 years ago. That might be it.

I actually have a date with himself this Sunday. No kids just us. So what do I wear to go see irish folks leaping about, not using their arms? I'd like to look nice. I have a very nice celtic design carved corset but somehow don't think that would be terrible appropriate.

But what about something on the same lines? I have no blanket orders right now so I have time. There are corset type tops aplenty in the shops...I could embroider one with some knotwork. Would that be too weird? Or I have trim, celtic dogs, in green and white...maybe? Maybe too odd.

I need Stacey and Clinton. They really need to come get me!

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