Monday, June 14, 2010


Alright I admit it, I'm slacking again. Too much life getting in the way of blogging. The girls have new bunk beds...well...they're in the box still but they are there, and finally have mattress for them.

My own mother freaked out on me over the clutter in my home (Yes I know its there, Its my sewing, his leather work, our books and the girls everything) Anyway she went off, pulled a classic guilt trip, then decided to return each Friday since to organize things to her satisfaction. On one hand I'm glad to have the help... on the other...well. It'll be nice when its all done.

Did I mention this started because she was watching my girls while the Crypt Keeper and I attended his Gram's funeral? Yeah, not a nice day to be told off but whatever.

We lost Gram. She taught CK and his many cousins to "pick eggs". (Chicken farm)

Uh what else. We have the Faery fest craft sale this weekend. Busy sewing and stuf for that.

Ok I think thats it.






Yeah, thats it.