Monday, May 12, 2008

Motivated and learning how to sleep.

Worked a convention for the Sisterhood of Celebration. Many many women, mostly red hatters but a few sunflowers. Overall a very very good weekend marred by only a few, they aren't happy if they aren't bitchin' types.

The sockhop Saturday night was hysterical watching all these elderly ladies in poodle skirts and pony tails shaking it.

Friday night I bellydanced with my wonderful teacher and her troupe. I'm not part of her troupe, can't be but am friends with all of them so it was a nice treat for me even though we did all have to kinda do improv on the spot during the dance so as to not scatter the brains of old ladies about the Holiday inn ball room with our flailing canes.

Saturday I vended and caught a bus. Literally. Chased that sucker down the driveway, banged the door at the road and made it go back for the ladies it had left behind.

Sunday, done early, but had to listen to various ladies complain at me about stuff. Oh deal.

While vending at the convention I met another vender, a strikingly beautiful woman whose name will return to me at 3am. She sells Mangosteen juice. Xango? I think its called. Its another miracle cure all fruit. And tastes ok.

Anyway she asked to see my baby blankets, said she liked them, thought the price was good etc but I made the mistake of answering her "They will sell" with, "Hopefully."

Man, she turned into Yoda! Told me to sit down and basically said "There is no hope, there is no try, there is only *I WILL*."

C'mon, total Yoda moment right? The lecture lasted a good 15 mintues but thats the gist.

Then in the evening there actually was a motivational speaker hired by the convention. She was good but the best part of it was she told us how to sleep.

Take a hot shower...stand under the spray..whether you clean up or just stand there is up to you. Get out of the shower eventually. An hour after your shower your body temperature will drop...thats the time to go to bed. Keep cool air around you, open window, air conditioner, fan, whatever, Don't use too many blankets, stay cool but comfortable and you'll sleep well.

Well darn if it doesn't work! I've had the best couple nights sleep in freakin' ages.

Go take a shower.:)

Monday, May 5, 2008

Maybe famous

My child may be famous. Well sort of. We did Westfield as usual on Sunday. Not as usual a local artist wandering about took a liking to the girls. In particular to Shaughny in her bonnet with the eyelet lace shadows on her cheeks. He took many many pictures of the wee ones and even a couple of yours truly. And has emailed to say he feels a portrait coming on. It would be cool I must say.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Its a rainy dreary day. I may just nap it away. So far one kiddie has the same idea. Today was supposed to be a dance practice however, himself has to work so that was the end of that. Also Shaughny was supposed to go to a birthday party. Luckily I have not mentioned it to her so she doesn't know what she is missing. Really even with the rain I would have taken her but a good portion of the party is at the johnson centre pool. No himself means I have to take both girls with me. Both girls into the pool? Nope. Only one? Which one? Which one sits on the sidelines and has a temper tantrum because she's not in the pool with Mummy? Better to not go. We'll give her friend his present on Thursday at gym class.

Recently I have read that blogs by mums are exploiting children, revealing person things about them, and will of course result in teenage resentment and distrust.

Um...isn't that just the mindset of all teens anyway? :) In my case I would have loved to read what my mum was thinking/doing when my sibs and I were so young. It would be a huge insight into her personality. And really I keep these records so my kids will know me..or even grandkids can look back and say, "So that was my grandma. A crazy woman raising 2 kids and bellydancing around the house when no one was looking."